Coaching for Women.
If you’re struggling to navigate life after divorce, coaching for women can help you redefine your identity, reignite your sexuality, and rebuild your world.
Are You Having Trouble Navigating Life After Divorce As A Single Woman?
Has a recent divorce or separation left you swimming in a sea of fear, uncertainty, and pain? Have you spent so much time as a wife and/or a mother that you don’t even know who you are anymore?
Perhaps you’re still struggling with the whole co-parenting thing and learning how to create a new relationship with your ex that’s healthy for everyone involved.
Or maybe the emotional overwhelm has left you feeling stuck or even defeated, and you’re hoping that divorce coaching can help you learn how to hope, trust, and love again.
Going Through A Divorce Is Like Losing A Loved One
In many ways, that’s what divorce is, and that change—that sense of loss—can be devastating. After years of handling life as a couple, you may suddenly be stressing about finances, questioning your identity, or worrying about how you’re going to thrive as an independent woman.
You’re probably struggling with anxiety, sadness, self-doubt, poor self-image, and a ton of trust issues. In turn, you could be self-medicating or turning inward, isolating yourself from others instead of getting back out there. Plus, you’ve likely been out of the dating game so long that the idea of feeling sexy, being wanted, and finding love again is not only foreign—but also terrifying!
I understand firsthand the pain and fear that divorce causes, but I also know that working with a life coach for women can help you heal and move forward in incredible ways. If you’re struggling to navigate life after divorce, I want to help rebuild your sense of security, identity, and empowerment.
Life After Divorce Can Be Difficult For Any Woman
Hundreds of thousands of couples dissolve their marriage every year, making divorce extremely common.* Regardless of that commonality, going from married life to being single is a huge change that can fill you with fear, insecurity, and a deep sense of loneliness—even hopelessness.
After all, for years, your life has revolved around nothing but raising kids, being a faithful partner, and tending to endless responsibilities. Now—you suddenly have every other weekend to yourself with an empty house and opportunities for dating or going out with friends.
However, you may not have many friends because you’ve been busy caring for a family. Some of your past relationships may have been strained by the divorce. Or maybe you simply have no idea how to balance being a dedicated mom during the week and being an available single woman on the weekends. That, in turn, further drives feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and inadequacy.
The value of divorce coaching for women is that it tackles these feelings and helps you change your life by changing your mindset. Coaching is about giving you the clarity to see the obstacles in your way and what you need to do to get unstuck. It can also show you how to reinvent your sex appeal, redefine your identity, and reintegrate yourself into the world with less fear and more confidence.
Together, we’ll figure out what makes you happy and identify steps you can take to get what you want.
Divorce Coaching For Women Is A Transformative Experience.
Family and friends will often tell you things like, “You need to move on,” and “You’re going to be fine,” but what does that even look like? What is the benchmark for knowing that you truly have moved on? Even years after a divorce, women can struggle with a deep sense of loss, insecurity, and inadequacy that keeps them anchored in the past. So how do you know?
That’s where divorce coaching can be so transformative. It helps you reinvent your identity, change old mindsets, and rebuild yourself into the person you want to be. That means discovering what you want, who makes you happy, and how you can live with more joy, excitement, and intention.
Ultimately, working with a divorce coach for women illustrates what the other side of recovery truly looks like and how you can get there.
How Does Divorce Coaching For Women Work?
I understand that life is complicated enough without having to deal with traffic and negotiate schedules for sitters, so I offer all of my divorce coaching services online. Whether we’re meeting virtually or in person, we’ll start by taking inventory of your life:
- How long were you married and what comprised your identity?
- What was your experience like as a parent, spouse, or working professional?
- Were you a part of a community and how did that feel?
- Is that community still a part of your support network?
- What social, sexual, or financial obstacles are you facing?
Then, we’ll work on each of those areas based on their level of importance. As we progress, we’ll turn to setting goals, solving problems, and creating a step-by-step, ABC process toward changing negative mindsets and redefining who you are. We can work on reintegrating community into your life, which has tremendous potential to help you heal, move forward, and discover new opportunities for happiness—even romance.
Divorce coaching can also focus on skills-building. For instance, maybe your professional life rocks but your social life stinks. I’ll help you develop strategies for motivating yourself to do things like visit the farmer’s market for no reason, go out to eat by yourself, or hit the town with some friends. Moreover, I want to help you simply feel okay with being single and doing things on your own.
That said, I also want to help you rediscover your sensual appeal and your sexual confidence. That could mean encouraging you to step outside of old behaviors, such as wearing makeup and doing your hair before going to the store instead of leaving the house in sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Divorce Coaching Is About New Beginnings
The goal of working with a divorce recovery coach is to motivate you in a new direction that enables you to change your mindset, redefine your identity, and start living with intention. Although healing is an inevitable part of life coaching for women, I really want to help you overcome problems and write a new beginning for your story.
No matter how you feel or how you see yourself, making new friends, finding new love, learning to trust again, and rebuilding your life—anything is possible when you seek to redefine yourself. And that is what working with a divorce recovery coach is all about.
Perhaps You Are Considering Coaching But Still Have Concerns…
I worry about the cost of using a divorce coach for women.
The question you have to ask is, how much is your happiness worth? Do you want to be able to trust and love and truly live again—or do you want to merely exist? Once you begin challenging your mindset and reinventing your sense of self—happiness, inner peace, and even new love will begin to emerge from the ashes of the past.
Divorce has already taken so much from you. Don’t let a short-term financial investment in yourself stand in the way of learning how to thrive again.
I feel like I have failed somehow, and I worry I’ll do it again.
The confidence levels of most people who get divorced often take a huge hit, so the fear of failure is completely normal. However, coaching can help you escape that fear-based life and discover a new way of being. Working with a divorce coach can give you courage and act as emotional scaffolding while you take healthy risks, meet new people, and rebuild your life.
How could anyone love this hot mess of a person?
The number one factor preventing most women from moving forward after a divorce is a negative mindset. So part of coaching involves teaching you how to change unproductive cognitive and behavioral patterns, thereby improving how you think, feel, and perceive yourself. You are just as worthy of love as you ever have been, and I want to help you embrace that.
Let Me Help You Find Your Way To The Other Side Of Divorce.
If a divorce has left you filled with sadness, uncertainty, or fear, life coaching for women can help you discover a new level of confidence and independence.
Please email or call me at 424 256 0160 for your free, 15-minute consultation to see how working with a divorce coach for women can help you embrace a life of greater hope, confidence, and intention.